here the sql…
select entity_id, sku, ( select value from catalog_product_entity_int as y where attribute_id = (select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'status' and attribute_id = y.attribute_id ) and entity_id = x.entity_id limit 1 ) as status, ( select value from catalog_product_entity_varchar as y where attribute_id = (select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'name' and attribute_id = y.attribute_id ) and entity_id = x.entity_id limit 1 ) as name, ( select value from catalog_product_entity_decimal as y where attribute_id = (select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'special_price' and attribute_id = y.attribute_id ) and entity_id = x.entity_id limit 1 ) as special_price, ( select value from catalog_product_entity_decimal as y where attribute_id = (select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'weight' and attribute_id = y.attribute_id ) and entity_id = x.entity_id limit 1 ) as weight, x.created_at, x.updated_at, a.attribute_set_name, z.category_id, (select value from catalog_category_entity_varchar where attribute_id = ( select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code='name' and entity_id = z.category_id limit 1) limit 1 ) as category_name from catalog_product_entity as x left join eav_attribute_set as a on x.attribute_set_id = a.attribute_set_id left join catalog_category_product as z on x.entity_id = z.product_id order by x.updated_at desc limit 100
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